Flash Seats Privacy Policy

Flash Seats, LLC. (the 'Company') is committed to complying with all laws intended to protect your right of privacy. This Privacy Policy describes (i) the type of information about you that we collect; and (ii) the Company's practices with respect to gathering and disseminating information about you. This Privacy Policy was established within the context of our flashseats.com website and the potential for gathering personal information within electronic media; however, the Privacy Policy is not limited to the flashseats.com website. Our Privacy Policy applies whenever you and the Company interact and there is a possibility that during such interaction, we may acquire certain information about you. Please read the following policy to understand how your personal information will be treated as you make full use of our many features.

The Company may, but is not obligated to, update this Privacy Policy from time to time. You should review this Privacy Policy periodically to familiarize yourself with the most current version. If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes to our website so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it. Material changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this website 30 days prior to execution.

If you have questions or concerns regarding your privacy or this Privacy Policy, you should contact Flash Seats Customer Service at:

By Mail:

Privacy Officer
Flash Seats, LLC,
250 W. Huron Road, Suite 202
Cleveland, OH 44113

By Phone:


By Email:


If you do not receive acknowledgement of your inquiry or your inquiry is not satisfactorily addressed, you should contact TRUSTe at http://www.truste.org/watchdog.html.

Collection and Use of Anonymous Information

Anonymous information is not personally identifiable information. Anonymous information is information that is collected automatically that relates to, but is not limited to, how certain features of our website are used, what general region our visitors are contacting us from and how many people visit our website at any given time. We use this information, and may share with, license to or sell this information to third parties, for the purpose of allowing targeted marketing through our website.

Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Information

In the course of selling tickets or other merchandise, we may collect and maintain certain non-public personal information that will help us to efficiently perform various transactions. We may be required to share your personal information with certain entertainment organizations and venues (an 'Event Host') or the Event Host's third party service providers as part of our contractual relationship with them. Also, your personal information may be entered into software systems maintained by our third party application service providers (e.g. our customer service system) for the purpose of allowing us to conduct our services. To the extent that your personal information is used in the foregoing manner, we will use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that our service providers do not use your personal information for any purpose other than delivery of our services.

We do not collect personal information (such as names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses or credit card numbers) about you, except when you specifically provide the information on a voluntary basis. Your personal information may be collected as you:

  • Become a registered user of flashseats.com;
  • Bid on, or purchase Right(s) ('Rights' is defined in our Terms and Conditions of Use)
  • Sign-up or subscribe for products or services that we may periodically make available; or
  • Receive Right(s) transferred to you from one of our account holders. (You will be notified if your personal information is collected in this manner by receipt of a transfer email from one of our account holders.)

We use your personally identifiable information for several purposes:

  1. Transactional Communications
    • If you are bidding for or selling Right(s) the Company utilizes your personal information to communicate with you regarding the status of your bid or auction.
    • If you have posted a request to purchase Right(s) (an 'ask'), the Company utilizes your personal information to notify you of responses to your ask.
    • If you are purchasing Right(s), the Company utilizes your personal information to complete the purchase transaction and to communicate with you about your ticket order, to provide you with instructions on how to use and/or access your electronic ticket to gain admission to an event or venue or other inquiry.
    • Whenever you purchase Right(s) we may be required to share your personal information with a third-party credit card processor to facilitate completion of your transaction. The credit card processor may share the same information with your credit card issuer in connection with gathering data related to use of their cards, rewards programs or other purposes. You are urged to read and become familiar with the privacy policies governing the use of your credit cards.
    • When you purchase Right(s), we may be contractually required to provide your personal information to the Event Host so that they may communicate with you about the event you are going to attend. Under those circumstances, we cannot offer you the option to opt-out from having your information passed to the Event Host. Event Hosts are not subject to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, which means that they may use your personal information for purposes other than contacting you about the event you are going to attend, unless you contact them and request otherwise. You are urged to read and become familiar with the privacy policies governing events and venues prior to purchasing Right(s).
    • Should you determine to sell or otherwise transfer your Right(s), we may be contractually required to provide your personal information to the Event Host's third party service providers who provide the Event Host with such transfer services. Under those circumstances, you will be required to grant to such service providers the right to access your user profile and Right(s) information in order to sell or transfer your Right(s). In that event, we cannot offer you the option to opt-out from having your information passed to such service providers. Such service providers are not subject to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, which means that they may use your personal information for purposes other than to effect the sale or other transfer of your Right(s), unless you contact them and request otherwise. You are urged to read and become familiar with the privacy policy governing the transfer or sale of your Right(s) by such service providers prior to granting such service providers rights to access your user profile and Right(s) information.
    • Whenever you receive Right(s) transferred to you from one of our account holders, your personal information will be provided to us by the originating account holder. You will be notified if your personal information is collected in this manner by receipt of a transfer email from one of our account holders. When you accept the Right, you may be required to supply additional personal information in order to complete the transfer transaction.
    • If you receive Right(s) transferred to you from one of our account holders, the Company utilizes your personal information to complete the transfer transaction and to communicate with you about your ticket transfer, to provide you with instructions on how to use and/or access your paper or electronic ticket to gain admission to an event or venue or other inquiry. Whenever you transfer an account balance to your bank account we may be required to share your personal information with a third-party financial processor to facilitate completion of your transaction. The processor may share the same information with your bank in connection with the transaction. You are urged to read and become familiar with the privacy policies governing the bank accounts to which you transfer funds using our system.
    • Whenever you transfer an account balance to your bank account we may be required to share your personal information with a third-party financial processor to facilitate completion of your transaction. The processor may share the same information with your bank in connection with the transaction. You are urged to read and become familiar with the privacy policies governing the bank accounts to which you transfer funds using our system.
    • Whenever you transfer an account balance to an Event Host we may be required to share your personal information with that Event Host to ensure the proper allocation of your account balance to the Event Host's accounting system.
    • We may occasionally contact you, typically by email, to notify you of information that might affect your event experience, or to notify you of event cancellations or errors in your order.
  2. Service/Account Communications
    • We may contact you regarding the availability of Right(s) similar to those you have purchased in the past, or the current selling prices of Right(s) similar to those you hold. We may also send you communications regarding the availability or selling prices of Right(s) according to preferences you set in your user profile. If you are not interested in receiving informational communications from us, you can unsubscribe at any time by altering your email preferences in your user profile or by emailing unsubscribe@flashseats.com from the email address used to identify your account with the word 'Unsubscribe Informational' in the subject line.
  3. Informational Communications
    • We may contact you regarding the status of your account, your registration information, support issues regarding our service, and changes to our service or the terms under which it is offered.
  4. Promotional Communications
    • We may contact you regarding special promotions related to our service, or to events or venues. If you are not interested in receiving promotional communications from us, you can unsubscribe at any time by altering your email preferences in your user profile or by emailing unsubscribe@flashseats.com from the email address used to identify your account with the word 'Unsubscribe Promotional' in the subject line.
  5. Marketing Communications
    • We may contact you regarding offerings of future events, products or services that may be of interest to you. If you are not interested in receiving marketing communications or advertisements from us, you can unsubscribe at any time by altering your email preferences in your user profile or by emailing us at unsubscribe@flashseats.com from the email address used to identify your account with the word 'Unsubscribe Marketing' in the subject line.

Additionally, we may share your personally identifiable information in the following circumstances:

  • We may disclose your personally identifiable information when required by law. Specifically, we may disclose this information to unrelated parties in special cases when we have reason to believe that our disclosure is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against a person or persons who may be causing injury to, or interference with, the rights or property of the Company (including our website), computer users accessing our website, or any third party. In addition, we may disclose information about individuals who access our website to law enforcement agencies, judicial or government authorities or to other individuals or entities in response to subpoenas, court orders or other legal processes.
  • In the event that Flash Seats goes through a business transition, such as a merger, an acquisition by another company, or a sale of all or a portion of its assets, your and other users personal information will, in most instances, be part of the assets transferred. If as a result of the business transition, your personal information will be used in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection, you will be given the option to continue sharing the information consistent with our notification of changes section. Nothing in this Privacy Policy is intended to interfere with the ability of Flash Seats to transfer all or part of its business and/or assets (including the website) for any purposes, without limitation. Flash Seats specifically reserves the right to transfer or share a copy of personally identifiable information collected from this website to the buyer of that portion of its business relating to that information.

If you are a registered user of flashseats.com, we may retain your information as long as you maintain your registered status. If you purchase tickets or other merchandise using a credit card, we will retain your credit card information for a length of time necessary to process any future transactions related to your purchases, including refunds and charge backs.

Children's Privacy

Our sites comply with the terms of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. Under this Act, no website operator is permitted to require, as a condition to participation in an activity, that a child under the age of 13 disclose more information than is reasonably necessary to participate. We will not knowingly collect personally identifiable information on users under the age of 13 without parental consent. If you are under 13, please do not email us, contact our website, attempt to use our website, submit information to our website, or ask us to email you. If you are under the age of 18, you should get permission from a parent or guardian before you email our website, contact our website, attempt to use our website, submit information to our website or ask us to email you.

Links To / From Other Sites

Our website contains links to other Internet websites which we do not operate and, conversely, other Internet websites may contain links to our website. We are not aware of and are not responsible for the privacy policies, practices or content of such other websites. We encourage visitors to read and become familiar with the privacy policies maintained by such other websites.


A 'cookie' is a small piece of data that is sent to your browser from a web server and stored on your computer's hard drive. Cookies do not damage your computer. We use cookies on certain pages of our site. We may also offer certain features that are only available through the use of a cookie. Among other reasons why we use cookies, cookies allow you to enter your password less frequently during a session. Cookies can also help us provide information which is targeted to your interests. Cookies are stored on your hard drive, not on our site. If you do not desire the functionality created by cookies, you have the option to disable that function. To disable the cookie function, you may disable the function on your browser. Note that some site features may not function if cookies are disabled.


The Company uses industry standard efforts to safeguard the confidentiality of your personal identifiable information, such as data encryption, firewalls, system security measures and Secure Socket Layers ('SSL'). Please be advised that 'perfect security' does not exist in commercial Internet applications and that such security measures may not prevent all loss, misuse or alteration of information on our websites. Therefore, although we work very hard to protect your privacy, we do not promise and you should not expect, that your personal information or private communications will always remain private. The registration pages, where you enter your personal and credit card information, are secure. This means that any information you send us is protected by encryption. Additionally, anytime we ask for your credit card number, we transmit that number using SSL encryption. It is easy to tell when you are protected by encryption your browser displays a lock or a key which is no longer broken or it changes color when you are on a secure page. The actual icon and its location may vary depending on your browser. For example, Internet Explorer has a 'Security' padlock icon at the bottom right of the page, which appears closed when you have entered a secure page. Except as specifically permitted by this section, you may not disclose your Flash Seats password to any third parties nor share it with any third parties. If you lose control of your password, you may lose substantial control over your personally identifiable information and may be subject to legally binding actions taken on your behalf. Therefore, if your password has been compromised for any reason, you should immediately change your password.If you have any questions related to this policy, please email the Flash Seats Privacy Officer at privacy@flashseats.com.

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888-360-SEAT (7328)
or customerservice@flashseats.com